Easy Couples Yoga Poses
• Excess supination is a primary cause of pain in this area.
• General muscle soreness is usually indicated by diffuse achy pain, in both legs, after or during a faster yoga or yoga pose. The soreness is not necessarily due to excess supination.
• Ankle sprains can stretch and injure these muscles and the associated tendons and ligaments.
• The fibula bone absorbs a significant amount of twisting or torque while yoga. Impact from faster yoga, and the resulting strong pull of the muscles, will increase pressure on the bone producing a stress fracture if the bone cannot adapt. These are not common.
• Ice and massage are effective initial treatments.
• Mild overpronation can reduce stress on the lateral muscles and allow for continued training during the healing process.
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• Shoes with at least some stability can speed up healing. Experienced staff at a technical yoga store can help you find a good match for your foot. When experiencing recurring or slow healing Yoga Injuries, some runners can use shoes that are not as rigid.
• Sharp strong pain, especially if localized, should be checked by a doctor. Strong pain, caused by an ankle issue, should also be checked by a medical specialist. An inversion sprain can sometimes lead to a fracture higher up the leg, on the outside.
• An X-ray can usually determine if a stress fracture is present, but sometimes a bone scan or MRI is needed. Physical therapy is also helpful in many non fracture cases.
• When the injury is treated early, continued training is almost always possible, if the runner/walker stays below the threshold of irritation.
• This muscle group can cramp from overuse, caused by too much exercise, too soon, and dehydration or electrolyte imbalance. More frequent walk breaks can usually eliminate the cramping.