Every Yoga Pose

Every Yoga Pose

If you think back to a time of significant change in your life you will also appreciate the chaos and the disarray and goes on around that time.

At the present moment in time my wife and I’ve been back in England for five

The past eight weeks or so therefore our lives have been pretty much complete chaos. In addition to leaving jobs in Qatar we had to say goodbye to many friends that we made in the Middle East. Our home life too became very disjointed and basically descended into some form of chaos. Things were constantly changing. For example we sold the majority of our furniture and for a week we ended up sitting on the floor on a blanket to watch television. And we borrowed and neighbour’s plastic table and two small camping chairs to have our meals on.

Since we have returned home to England we have been constantly unpacking boxes of our belongings that we had in storage. We have been getting things on our house repaired and upgraded. We have been ironing clothes washing these and my wife has been doing most of this. Life has continued to be chaos.

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However this is a significant change in our lives. We were in the Middle East in Dubai and Doha for nearly five years and prior to that we only lived in this house in England for two months. It is a house and not our home yet. However over the next period of time maybe 1 to 3 years (who knows?) we will change this house into our home but this will only be after many alterations, many purchases, many changes and no doubt arguments and discussions etc.

We will make this our home though at some point in the future but it will only be after great changes in our lives have been made and the chaos that goes along with it.

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