Illustrated Yoga Poses

Illustrated Yoga Poses

Real yoga happens when you watch the breath. It is not being able to hold a difficult posture that makes me feel alive, nor standing perfectly balanced, or feeling strong in a Warrior pose. It’s watching the breath from beginning to end and not disturbing the flow of pranayama (life force energy). I feel alive and I am now in a state of yoga.

Try watching the breath and reading at the same time. Difficult eh? Watching the breath is becoming aware of now and not being in the past or travelling into the future and ceasing the fluctuations of the mind. The mind is a funny place -sometimes the mind can be brilliant, your friend, sometimes your worst enemy. One thought jumping from one branch to another. The endless ideas, hopes, desires, dreams, information, words, things to remember, things to do, where to go, memories etc. goes on and on and even whilst sleeping the mind is switched on.

All the information – consciously and subconsciously collected in the 720 breaths, (an average person takes) breathed every hour of the day is now being stored away in the mind. Wake up and the day begins – 720 breaths every hour. Information.,.news…things to do .places to go…searching…wandering… dreaming..all happens whilst breathing.

I’m alive now. Breathe…Warrior life…exhale.

Hulya Baytar is a dancer and yoga instructor. For info on her classes visit Follow her on Twitter:_Hulya

How did the stories about your great grandmother influence your chosen path?

Illustrated Yoga Poses Photo Gallery

My mother would tell me stories of sick people travelling for miles to see my great Grandmother Erabau. They would come for much the same things that they come to see me – aches, pains, muscular problems – but now and then you get someone who has been searching for someone to perform something miraculous. The story that has remained with me is about a woman who had given birth to a stillborn and walked for hours to see her Instinctively Erabau knew what was being asked of her and she took them both into her home, prepared some herbs, held the baby and chanted with her for a few minutes before the baby began to breathe. My strap-line is ‘One Massage, Many Possibilities’, because many of the clients only need one treatment to have the desired effect. Erabau was the original and her miraculous healings certainly influenced my decision and journey to become a healer.

How many people have you massaged?

I have laid my healing hands on over 10,000 people at clinics, festivals, parties, charity events and at my home. I even massaged at bus stops and supermarket car parks.

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