Inversion Yoga Poses

Inversion Yoga Poses

• Calluses and recurrent blisters can be reduced or prevented first by proper shoe fit. Excess pronation can be a cause, for example, if the inner side of the foot is the site. Shoe size and heel counter shape is often related to heel calluses and blisters.

• Callus or blisters beneath the second metatarsal head can be a risk factor for metatarsal phalangeal synovitis mentioned in this blog. The same treatment recommended for this condition is also a good prevention strategy.

• A large callus is an irritant itself and should be sanded and softened with lotions (lactic acid or uric acid base are best for thick calluses). This will reduce the motion-caused irritation. Thick calluses can develop a blister beneath them that is very painful and more difficult to treat. Never remove too much of the callus because the underlying skin is tender. A small layer of callus is protective and not irritating. Continue investigating to determine the cause and eliminate it.

• Blisters are treated by draining them as soon as possible – as long as they are not blood blisters. Leave the roof (skin covering) as long as possible for protection to the underlying skin. Make a fairly large opening near the edge and drain the fluid. If the opening is too small it will have to be reopened later. Small scissors, fingernail clippers and large diameter needles or pins will work. It helps to ice the blister before draining to reduce the pain, although most draining operations are not painful. Sometimes there is a little sting when the roof touches the bed as the fluid leaves. It helps to squirt some Neosporin or similar antibiotic cream underneath the blister for quicker healing and infection prevention. Usually a large band aid can be applied over the area.

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• Blood blisters or very large blisters need to be protected for a couple of days. Donuts made of moleskin, or commercial blister products, work very well for this. Eventually a blood blister will open or can be drained after a few days. The infection risk is gone after about 48 hours in most small to medium blood blisters. The blood vessels will seal and repair enough to prevent a pathway for bacteria to enter the blood. There is some risk of further damage, so protection is recommended.

• Once a blister has been drained it is good to cover it for protection when working out to prevent more damage. Simple athletic tape or duct tape can work as long as it is carefully removed, to avoid tearing the roof. Soaking the foot for a few minutes can loosen the roof, and allow you to apply some antibiotic cream. Be sure to place a much larger piece of tape than the size of the blister.

• To reduce the likelihood of unpredictable blisters, use a properly fitting sock of a technical fiber (not cotton). Apply lubrication, such as Vaseline and Body Glide over the area of blister risk. Silicon-based creams last longer. Applying foot powder to the feet, shoes, and socks can also reduce friction.

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