Iyengar Yoga Poses For Beginners

Iyengar Yoga Poses For Beginners

The first important thing to remember for me is to make sure that you RESPOND and DO NOT react to any setback. There is a huge difference between these words, they are only close to each other in the dictionary.

Imagine the scenario that you have just had some exam results and after much hard work you have learned that you have not passed. If you respond to this news then you will start to think and consider how you can reverse this and do much better next time. You do not dwell on the feeling of regret, you think about what changes you need to make to succeed next time.

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If you decide to react then you can start to call the exam board “cheats” or go on a wild drinking binge. This is stinking thinking as Zig Ziglar says. This will not get you anywhere until you are ready to resume responding thinking. Reacting is a waste of time.

Another way of successfully dealing with a setback is to project you forward in time a few months of years. Sometimes called the death bed game, when you envisage yourself on your deathbed looking back at your life events.

Ask yourself the questions such as “Will this matter in ten years’ time?” or “Will this matter in 2 hours’ time?” This will help to give this event perspective and you will be able to deal with the emotional upset a lot better.

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