Kapotasana Pose Yoga

ASANAS POSTURES Integral Integral Yoga is a system for the harmonious development of every aspect of the individual.Kapotasana Pose Yoga Integral Yoga, as taught by Sri Swami Satchidananda, is a synthesis of methods that develops all sides of the spiritual aspirant.Kapotasana Pose Yoga The different branches that together create Integral Yoga are the following six practices: Yoga Raja Yoga; Japa Yoga, the repetition of a mantra; Hatha Yoga, kriyas or cleansing practices to purify and strengthen the body and mind; Karma Yoga; Bhakti Yoga; and Jnana Yoga. For more information, please visit www.integralyogaofnewyork.org. Ardha baddha padmottanasana Ardha means half, baddha means ‘bound/’ padma means lotus, and uttana is a stretch.

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