Karnapidasana Pose Yoga

Like some of the other schools we have already reviewed, Kripalu Yoga aims to make its principles both applicable and practical to daily life.Karnapidasana Pose Yoga The Kripalu philosophy of teaching has Yoga evolved from the guru-disciple tradition to a paradigm of self-sourcing and self-empower-ment by the student.Karnapidasana Pose Yoga This paradigm is designed to provide the tools to help individuals seek their inner wisdom and find support £or the ongoing process of growth and spiritual development. The Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health was named after Desai’s own guru, Swami Kripalvananda, who was a renowned master of Kundalini Yoga. In addition to yoga, Kripalu offers courses that range from Shiatsu training to Qigong and Tai Chi, through their Healing Arts program. Yogi Desai resigned as spiritual director in 1994. For more information, visit www.kripalu.

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