Kegel Exercise During Pregnancy

Kegel Exercise During Pregnancy

The Third Ray energies divide the seven planes into a higher five, a lower five and a central five. Fourth Ray energies give us four spheres each covering four planes, and the Fifth Ray five spheres each of three planes. All these divisions provide us with twelve ‘entities’ for that is in effect what they are illustrating various ways in which the Creative Hierarchies group themselves and interact.

Let’s try and get a sense of some of these groupings. Some of them are well known to us while others are more mysterious.

Groupings of Three Ray 5 (orange circles)

In Figure 11b we have the well known spheres of:

• the personality

• the triad

• the monad

This is an essential grouping that creates the nine-fold expression of consciousness on the seven planes.

As to the interim circles in Figure 11a, both seem to be related in some way to Agni.

The following quote relates to the fourth, fifth and sixth planes, although in Esoteric Astrology the count is from the bottom up and refers to the Hierarchies on the cosmic astral41 we will deal with this more later.

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