Marichi’s Pose Yoga II

Yoga wrapped in spiritual and romanticist habitus

Our aspirations and expectations, our sense of what is reasonable or unreasonable, likely or unlikely, our beliefs about what are obvious actions to take and the natural ways of doing them are all to Bourdieu neither essential nor natural but rather conditioned by our habituses…  (Maton 2012, p.57)

There was an enormous man-made lake in the center of the property with a small bridge over a narrow stream, across which the mam mandap, or hall, and a temple were located. Statues of Shaivite deities such as Lord Shiva himself, and his warrior child, the elephant god, Ganesh, presided over the gardens.

Inside, photographs of Gurumayi and other descendants, as well as colorful paintings of gods and their consorts, such as Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance, and mythological scenes from the Bhagavad Gita, decorated the numerous corridors.Marichi’s Pose Yoga II On the way over to the main temple, I noticed a small garden off the walking path filled with Christian statuary. Saint Francis, the Virgin Mary, and Christ stood peacefully amongst tall trees with benches reserved nearby for contemplation.

In the Eastern tradition, offerings of flowers and candles are offered to deities, and likewise, had been placed at their feet here.Marichi’s Pose Yoga II Feet are especially sacred in Hinduism and Buddhism because they represent following the footsteps of a realized being. Buddha himself is often recognized from a pair of feet rather than an image.

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