Marichi’s Pose Yoga

As popular yoga became a cultural field let us have a look into the economical forces which, hidden behind their back (as Marx would have said) formed the emerging Western yoga discourse of the yoga popularisers and their knowledge. The next 5 modules will look into this. As yoga culture became a mass phenomenon after WW2 it also created its own mass market. Yoga know-how in other words became a commodity – a service demanded to an increasing extent. Yoga know-how became a product/service in the consumer culture, which had come to dominate (Sassatelli 2007, Lury 2011). A class of suppliers was emerging to meet this demand of the yoga amateurs: the yoga instructors, the yoga entrepreneurs or the yoga popularisers.

The commercialisation of yoga

In Medieval India the student-guru relationship unfolded within the guru’s relationship to the local community of providing services. Sometimes students would become a part of the guru’s household and would have to work hard physically. Another possibility was to join monasteries and cults where the student might also encounter hard physical work. So the guru-student relationship was also a personal economical relationship similar to the apprentice institution of European medieval societies.

It may help to have one hand on your sacrum as Marichi’s Pose Yogait moves down and one hand on your abdomen as it lifts up. The thighs will Marichi’s Pose Yogatend to move forward and turn out as well, but the block gives you a clear reference point to help keep them back. Have your kneecaps pointing straight forward. From the base of your sacrum, extend strongly down through your legs and pull up through your whole spine. This is Organic Energy. 8. Breathe and hold the pose for about thirty seconds, then release and remove the block. This pose helps to widen the back of the pelvis.

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