Most Difficult Yoga Pose

Most Difficult Yoga Pose

Use this picture and thoughts in your working life to help move you from working now to Working Wow.

Nightmares for me are just thoughts that have gone wrong. It is all worry and worry is something we don’t need to worry about. What good does worrying do? Absolutely nothing.

This is all part of perspective and how you view events in your life. When we are pursuing a dream or a goal, sure things will come along to challenge us. Yes, there are things we will shy away from doing although we know that we need to in order to achieve our ends.

We need to think through worry and nightmares and get some logic into these and I have a few tips that will help calm your fears and prevent any nightmares or daytime worries:

Write down your nightmare.

This is such a valuable technique and it is a wonder more people don’t use it. Get a pen and paper (I think in this instance this is better than a computer as it becomes more personal in your writing) and write down a worst case scenario of what can go wrong with your plan. This will be the writing down of your nightmare.

Take a good look at it. It doesn’t seem so scary now does it? Seeing it written down you are probably already making plans in your head on how you can overcome these obstacles.

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