Muscular Endurance

Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance is the ability to resist fatigue and sustain a given level of muscle tension that is, to hold a muscle contraction for a long time or to contract a muscle over and over again. It depends on such factors as the size of muscle cells, the ability of muscles to store fuel, blood supply, and the metabolic capacity of muscles. health-related fitness Physical capacities that contribute to health: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance The ability of the body to perform prolonged, large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate to high levels of intensity. muscular strength The amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort, metabolism The sum of all the vital processes by which food energy and nutrients are made available to and used by the body. muscular endurance The ability of a muscle to remain contracted or to contract repeatedly for a long period of time,

Muscular endurance is important for good posture and for injury prevention. For example, if abdominal and back muscles cannot support and stabilize the spine correctly when you sit or stand for long periods, the chances of low back pain and back injury are increased. Good muscular endurance in the trunk muscles is more important than muscular strength for preventing back pain. Muscular endurance helps people cope with daily physical demands and enhances performance in sports and work.

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