# Begin seated in Padmasana (Lotus).

# Place hands on the floor next to your thighs. Press fingertips into the floor to lift up gently onto your knees.

# Bring the outer edge of your hands together in front of you. Place palms down on floor, under your chest with wrists facing forward, and fingers straight back, slightly separated

# Bend the elbows and lean forward. Your abdomen should be on the elbows so that they are just below the sternum. Bring your forearms vertical and press inner elbows together.

# Lean forward to lower your forehead to the floor, and begin to lift the legs off the floor.

# Raise your chest and head off the floor without straining your neck.

# Hold for 3-5 breaths.

# Gradually lower knees to the floor to release.

# Repeat with opposite legs crossed in Padmasana.



There are moments of waiting in all of our everyday lives. We wait for our coffee to brew. We wait for our kids to get ready. We wait for the subway, for our phones to charge, for our computers to start in fact, when you think about it, it’s rare when we’re not waiting for something.

Even the most patient of us can become a little frustrated with all of this pausing. We may even look at it as wasted time when we could be looking at waiting as a lot of built-in breaks throughout our day, dedicated to increasing our perception and our attention through meditation.

Vipassana, or insight meditation, is a Buddhist practice that hones awareness of the present moment. The next time you feel the tendency to tap your foot or sigh in exasperation as someone hems and haws over whether they want a soy cappuccino or mocha, notice yourself waiting.

Pay attention first to the things outside of yourself, the people around you, the clock on the wall, the gentle whirring of the coffee maker. Take the time to integrate all of your senses into your waiting. Smell the coffee, listen to chatter, feel the warmth of the room Then dive back into yourself. If you’re still feeling impatient, try to pinpoint where the impatience lies is it throughout your body, or is it focalized in one part? Pay attention to how your breath is attuned to your waiting and try to control your breathing.

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