Percentiles Ranks for Torso Muscle Endurance Tests for College-Age Men and Women age 17-25

Percentiles Ranks for Torso Muscle Endurance Tests for College-Age Men and Women (age 17-25)

The percentiles were based on data collected on 181 university kinesiology students ages 17-25. The results might not be representative of other populations.

SOURCE: Percentile charts calculated from the data of McGill, S., M. Belore, I. Crosby, and C. Russell. 2010. Clinical tools to quantify torso flexion endurance: Normative data from student and firefighter populations. Occupational Ergonomics 9(1): 55-61.

Using Your Results

How did you score? Are you surprised by your scores for the low-back tests? Are you satisfied with your current ratings?

If you’re not satisfied, set a realistic goal for improvement. The norms in this lab are based on healthy young adults, so a score above the mean may or may not be realistic for you. Instead, you may want to set a specific goal based on time rather than rating; for example, set a goal of improving your time by 10%. Imbalances in muscular endurance have been linked with back problems, so if your rating is significantly lower for one of the three tests, you should focus particular attention on that area of your body.

Percentiles Ranks for Torso Muscle Endurance Tests for College-Age Men and Women age 17-25 Photo Gallery


What should you do next? Enter the results of this lab in the Preprogram Assessment column in Appendix C. If you’ve set a goal for improvement, begin a program of low-back exercises such as that suggested in this chapter. After several weeks of your program, complete this lab again and enter the results in the Post-Program Assessment column of Appendix C. How do the results compare?

Body Composition



After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

Define fat-free mass and body fat, and describe their functions in the body.

Explain how body composition affects overall health and wellness.

Describe how body mass index, body composition, and body fat distribution are measured and assessed.

Explain how to determine recommended body weight and body fat distribution.

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