Postpartum Yoga Poses

Postpartum Yoga Poses

This month US teacher Danny Arguetty looks at how making simple changes in our daily life can open up a wealth of new possibilities, while Kino Macgregor provides an insight into staying on the spiritual path.

Our guest teacher Eleonora Zampatti guides us through Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward facing dog), Ustrasana (Camel pose), Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-Legged King Pigeon Pose) before leading us into a fantastic home sequence ‘Embrace and Bloom’ that’s specifically tailored to help release uncomfortable emotions that are often stored in the hips.

The mind is so often the main driving force behind our yoga practice. Not only does it take control of the practice but it also has the ability to manipulate the practice to satisfy the ego. Sue Fuller looks at how different yoga would be, if we allowed the heart to control our practice instead.

Postpartum Yoga Poses Photo Gallery

We also feature the latest ethical fashion and beauty goodies to bring a touch of glamour to the Christmas party season, and we catch up with Strictly Come Dancing star Darcy Bussell, who talks about her new body care line and reveals her beauty regimen.

There’s a look at the evidence for the healing power of nature, and some expert tips for upping your home yoga practice. And don’t forget to enter our two wonderful competitions, where you can win £200 worth of Yogamasti yoga clothing and kit, and a yoga and horse riding holiday for two in Greece.

I wish you and your loved ones a truly magical Christmas full of peace and prosperity. I look forward to meeting up with you in the New Year.

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