Power Yoga For Toning ABS

Namaskar I’m David odde and welcome to an endeavor Power Yoga for abs Power Yoga is a complete body workout which improves your flexibility your strength your stamina and total fitness of your body Power Yoga for abs not only works on your abs it also works towards improving your core strength these set of practices will help you to train your tendinous inscription and external obliques power yoga abs technique 6 this is a wonderful practice to do your abdominal muscles to go in this practice you’re standing in the first step of Surya Namaskar then take the Namaskar up and back.

Okay the Namaskar then come to the head pinch position then the table talked then take the hands down by the side of your feet head closer to the knee then bend the legs rest of attacks and lie down from here you raise one leg straight up and move it round for five circles in one direction. And then for five circles in other to take it under one side up side down keep the breathing normal don’t hold the breath after doing three four circles in one direction without resting you do it on the other direction see that the leg is kept straight don’t bend it. And then you do it with the other leg now trusting in the other direction and drop out the next are in the legs come up then come to tabletop position then the hip hinge backward bend. And come out we can start with five circles and slowly slowly build it up to ten circles in each direction and maybe also 20 circles in each direction.

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Power Yoga For TONING Hands

Namaskar I’m vivvy that and welcome to on in the world power you got four hands Power Yoga is a complete body workout which focuses wrong strength stamina flexibility and total fitness of your body Power Yoga for hands will not only strengthen the muscles of your hands. But also the joints of your hands it will focus on your biceps triceps deltoids. And also the joints of your hands power yoga hands technique 5 we start up with pseudonyms k position 1 I wonderful backward Bend. And come to the hip hinge position from her pinch tabletop and go down how wonderful stretch for the car hand swing back and one leg back. And come to the lunge pose from your downward-facing dog from downward-facing dog you come to the plank pose in which your upper body is nearly parallel to the ground it’s not like the dog pose where it’s up and neither like the cobra pose when it’s down. And you just hold this position for about 8-10 cards keep breathing normal you wonderful effect on your shoulder joints the shoulder muscles. And the other joints as a big nerve you can have the same plank post in such a way from downward-facing dog you slowly drop your hands down the elbows and keep the body straight as a beginner you can do here and maintain about a 10 counts or you will move and from here you come back to the downward facing dog, if you’re doing a normal plank pose again you come back to the downward facing dog whatever you are doing either this or simple version of flying food at lavo facing dog. And you start coming out in the reverse manner first the lunch posed answer the feet in the tabletop then come up to the hip hinge chill in the back and have a wonderful backward belt. And come out you can initially start with five counts of maintaining the normal plank post or the easier version and slowly slowly build your capacity.

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