Pregnancy Exercises For Back Pain

Pregnancy Exercises For Back Pain


In all the years that we have worked with clients, the first thing they want to know, after they calculate their ideal body goals, is “How long will it take me?” At first, we could only make educated guesses. But our clients, and we ourselves, wished we had a more precise way to make this calculation.

We researched if anyone else had the answer to this problem, but everyone seemed to be making approximate guesses, just like us. That led us to collect weekly data about our clients, and eventually we were able to determine certain averages.

For example, we discovered that our clients were losing fat at a rate of 1% of their Ideal Body Weight every week. Those people usually needed to gain muscle at the same time, and we noticed that they were doing so at a rate of 0.2% of their Ideal Body Weight every week that is, five times slower than they lost fat.

A small percentage of our clients arrived at our studio needing to gain fat, and we learned from them that they gained fat at the same rate that other people lost fat namely, at 1% of their Ideal Body Weight every week (Table 6.5).

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