Quiet breathing

To start with your breaths in and out will sound quite different from each other. Breathing in is usually noisier than breathing out. This must be corrected and it may need a fair amount of concentration and practice to do this. When breathing in quietens, breathing immediately feels better; it loses its gasping in-rush of air characteristic. Model the breathing-m sound on the breathing-owf sound. As mentioned before, to begin you will need a watch with a second-hand to check that your four-second timing is accurate.

Autogenic component

The autogenic credo of instructions made to yourself by yourself can form a very important contrast to the active yoga exercises. Doubtless the heavy relaxation elements of the autogenic programme, together with the concept of relaxed and regular breathing techniques, are the most important part of the procedure. Often this ‘autogenic package’ can be grafted into the schemes for Groups 2 and 3 if these seem to stick at any point or become boring, tiring or tedious. Real autogenic enthusiasts have little difficulty in experiencing the ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ part of this type of exercise, and use the ‘cold’ experience as a useful and refreshing return to the world.

Always give yourself a chance to revisit the pendulum breathing. Reread Day Two should the message have become a little dim. Short periods of pendulum breathing are always worthwhile.

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