Rainbow Yoga Pose

Rainbow Yoga Pose

In order to keep things transparent, we are asking you to self fund your trip (£530 + flights and entry visa) and then raise a minimum of £1,000 for Development Nepal.

Before money existed we used to barter our goods and skills.

In last month’s article. I spoke about ‘moving from scarcity to abundance’. One of the ways in which scarcity comes up the most is when we think about money and as the saying goes. ‘Money makes the world go round’. This unfortunately has become our reality. But when we look at money as energy, perhaps our perspectives and definitions, as well as the importance we put on it. can change.

How many of you feel like your safety, self-worth and life depends on money? Most of us would say that it does. Money gives us a sense of security, value, freedom and opportunity but with all of these we also simultaneously can experience fear, anxiety and a continued pressure to make more. We want money for the freedom it brings but we fear losing it so we work harder to earn more. Some of us work hard just to get by. Either way, money often takes the lead, governing what we can and cannot do.

Rainbow Yoga Pose Photo Gallery

We measure things by their monetary value, making sure we ‘get our money’s worth. We have put money on a pedestal, called it ‘God’ and reluctantly granted it the power to make our decisions and govern our happiness. How our society created this dynamic is a point not worth arguing about because it’s out of our control. The power we do hold is in changing the very definition of money and the energy it holds.

Before money existed we used to barter our goods and skills. This was a pure exchange – my time for your time, my bread for your butter. The exchange supported both parties giving each other what the other needs. But money shifted things beyond just need and survival into pleasure, and with it a hierarchy was created with some having more than others. It tipped the balance and equal exchange that came from bartering. But when we see money as a fluid, energetic exchange we can carry the essence of what bartering used to be.

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