Safe Exercise For Pregnancy

Safe Exercise For Pregnancy

An Agni yogi approaching the Third Initiation therefore, must choose an outer plane project that is both in alignment with the will of his soul and the ashram, and also in alignment with his monadic will, thus calling forth the First Aspect to drive himself as the Second Aspect into himself as the Third. The soul must create a perfect ‘sheath’ in matter for the sword of Will to enter. To give a limited visual image, imagine inflating a balloon lightly. If you push your finger on one side of the balloon the skin will eventually meet with the skin on the other side. If you keep pushing the balloon will pop and your finger will pass through both skins together. Imagine one skin as atma, the other the physical plane, and your finger as the monad. At the outset the physical skin and the atmic skin are expanded in opposite directions. Then their inner surfaces are brought together and finally their outer surfaces are penetrated.

The descent of the sword of Shamballa through the heart of the chalice of Hierarchy into the fire of humanity’s aspiration is another evocative symbol for the Seventh Ray Age. This descent on the individual and planetary level requires both commitment and commeasurement. Commitment maintains the link between the three aspects of Will. The soul at the Third Degree must fully commit to the personality and to expressing the higher Will in matter. Commeasurement ensures that the commitment is intelligently balanced with the capacity of the soul and harmonised with the ashram of Hierarchy as a whole. One could say that alignment, commitment and commeasurement are the three expressions of the three aspects of the triad Will, Love and Intelligence.

The incarnating soul, having aligned with the will of the ashram and understood something of the Purpose and the Plan, takes responsibility for the implementation of a piece of it in the three worlds. If this ‘piece’ is too large then the result will be failure through the inability of the form to measure up to the Life aspect. If the ‘piece’ is too small the result will be ‘mummification’ through the inability of the Life aspect to express itself through the form. Until the capacity of commeasurement is achieved then the disciple can be somewhat of a danger to himself and others as he over-estimates and under-estimates his own capacity.

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A Master is a point of tension created by the free choice of the soul in taking a commeasured responsibility for a portion of the divine Plan in the five worlds. A Third Degree initiate is someone who has taken commeasured responsibility for the implementation of a portion of his Master’s work in the three worlds. The gap in the antahkarana occurs between the triad and the personality and so this is the source of most of the difficulties in commeasurement by incarnated disciples.

Safe Exercise For Pregnancy

An Agni yogi approaching the Third Initiation therefore, must choose an outer plane project that is both in alignment with the will of his soul and the ashram, and also in alignment with his monadic will, thus calling forth the First Aspect to drive himself as the Second Aspect into himself as the Third. The soul must create a perfect ‘sheath’ in matter for the sword of Will to enter. To give a limited visual image, imagine inflating a balloon lightly. If you push your finger on one side of the balloon the skin will eventually meet with the skin on the other side. If you keep pushing the balloon will pop and your finger will pass through both skins together. Imagine one skin as atma, the other the physical plane, and your finger as the monad. At the outset the physical skin and the atmic skin are expanded in opposite directions. Then their inner surfaces are brought together and finally their outer surfaces are penetrated.

The descent of the sword of Shamballa through the heart of the chalice of Hierarchy into the fire of humanity’s aspiration is another evocative symbol for the Seventh Ray Age. This descent on the individual and planetary level requires both commitment and commeasurement. Commitment maintains the link between the three aspects of Will. The soul at the Third Degree must fully commit to the personality and to expressing the higher Will in matter. Commeasurement ensures that the commitment is intelligently balanced with the capacity of the soul and harmonised with the ashram of Hierarchy as a whole. One could say that alignment, commitment and commeasurement are the three expressions of the three aspects of the triad Will, Love and Intelligence.

The incarnating soul, having aligned with the will of the ashram and understood something of the Purpose and the Plan, takes responsibility for the implementation of a piece of it in the three worlds. If this ‘piece’ is too large then the result will be failure through the inability of the form to measure up to the Life aspect. If the ‘piece’ is too small the result will be ‘mummification’ through the inability of the Life aspect to express itself through the form. Until the capacity of commeasurement is achieved then the disciple can be somewhat of a danger to himself and others as he over-estimates and under-estimates his own capacity.

A Master is a point of tension created by the free choice of the soul in taking a commeasured responsibility for a portion of the divine Plan in the five worlds. A Third Degree initiate is someone who has taken commeasured responsibility for the implementation of a portion of his Master’s work in the three worlds. The gap in the antahkarana occurs between the triad and the personality and so this is the source of most of the difficulties in commeasurement by incarnated disciples.

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