Simple Yoga Poses For Pregnancy

We obsess about what to eat once pregnant, or what we should do to lose weight post-pregnancy, but pay very little attention to food before we get pregnant yoga and that really is the game-changer.

Here’s a breakdown of what you must do with your diet, exercise, activity and lifestyle to help you get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy.

Simple Yoga Poses For Pregnancy Photo Gallery

Yoga Diet

The thing is, without good food, your hormones cannot be in a state of balance. Your hormones decide your sex drive, fertility, and this in turn defines how easy pregnancy is going to be and how quickly you can knock off the weight you have gained. Essentially, eating right today can make it extremely easy for you to both get pregnant and get back in shape post it, but you must act now. Now can be anytime, but surely a year before you get pregnant.

And, as step one, ditch the obsession with losing weight. I know, I know, the advice you hear first when you visit your gyny is to lose weight as it is supposed to increase your chances of conception. Sorry, but that is not quite how it works. The only thing that improves your chances of conception other than good sex, is insulin sensitivity. And to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance, you will have to take the brave path of increasing your lean body weight. And what you eat plays a big role in that.

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