Standing Big Toe Pose Yoga

What he came to realize through meditating became the Four Noble Truths and, through his teachings of them, several different types of meditation have developed. Today, the tradition of meditation has evolved and diverged into a diversity of schools and practices. Within Tibetan Buddhism alone, there are many methods of meditation. For example, there is the reflection on death, mandala meditation alsoyantra meditation in Hinduism, and dzogchen, which literally means great contemplation. When considering practicing Buddhist meditation, one must reflect on the idea that there is a Buddha, or Buddha nature, in each of us, and that concentration and questioning are fundamental processes.

Many people who meditate in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and even those who don’t choose a point of focus, both sensory and non-sensory, to heighten awareness and go deeper. Though to most of us it may seem morbid, meditating on death can bring about certain clarities and insights about life. Most of us harbor a significant amount of subconscious fear about death, and act out of this fear in our daily lives.

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