Super Octane All Plant Based Foods Fish Lean Poultry and Meats Tofu Dairy Foods

Super-octane foods are pure and efficient and you can eat as much as you like whenever you are hungry. Focus on plant-based foods that are generally high in fiber and water, and very high in nutrient value. This list includes all fruits, and all vegetables, legumes. Bananas—yes! Avocados— yes! Nuts and seeds—yes! Corn—yes! It has always struck me as odd that diets typically put limits on vegetables. For example, one diet I recently read about limited the dieter to 1/2 cup of broccoli! I found this absurd. Broccoli! You could eat a pound and be none the worse for it. The roughage would probably be good for you!

Super Octane All Plant Based Foods Fish Lean Poultry and Meats Tofu Dairy Foods Photo Gallery

he higher-protein foods are also great quality and you can feel good about eating them freely throughout the day. These excellent foods are like important turbo-fuel in your diet and it’s important to choose well from this category, along with fresh foods. Proteins offer valuable lasting satiety as they are generally metabolized more slowly than the plant-based foods. Building your diet around the structure of the plant foods along with these protein-rich foods will keep your hunger well satisfied so you can concentrate on the other important things going on in your life. Always keeping variety and balance in mind, there are no portion limits.

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