The 10 Most Important Yoga Poses for Beginners

 Flow Like a River

A sequence to move your spine • 45 to 70 minutes

Supported Child’s Pose


  • Bolster (or 2 rolled blankets or a large pillow)
  • Blanket roll
  • Square eighth-fold blanket (or neck pillow)
  • 2 blocks (or large hardcover books)


  • Basic Relaxation Pose
  • Simple Supported Side Bend
  • Grounding Spinal Twist
  • Heart Pose
  • Supported Child’s Pose


  • If you experience lower back pain or discomfort in Heart Pose, substitute Supported Heart Pose with Legs Over a Bolster.
  • If Supported Child’s Pose hurts your knees, substitute Supported Forward Fold.

The 10 Most Important Yoga Poses for Beginners Photo Gallery


  • Supports and sustains the natural mobility of your spine.
  • Maintains freedom in your movements.
  • Improves respiration.
  • Promotes energetic states of fluidity and ease.


  1. . Begin with 20 to 30 minutes in Basic Relaxation Pose , then bend

your knees and roll to your side.

  1. . Press yourself up to a sitting position, then move your legs off the

bolster to the left and bring your right hip up to the edge of the bolster and tuck your feet in behind you. Guide yourself into Simple Supported Side Bend for 3 to 5 minutes.

  1. . Leave your props as they are and turn yourself around to repeat the

pose on the other side. After you’ve completed both sides, press yourself up and turn the bolster so it’s lengthwise with the narrow end touching your left hip. Guide yourself into Grounding Spinal Twist for 3 to 5 minutes.

  1. . Leave your props as they are and turn yourself around to repeat the

pose on the other side. After you’ve completed both sides, press yourself up, leave your bolster where it is, and come to a sitting position with the base of your spine touching the narrow end of the bolster and your legs extended. Guide yourself into Heart Pose for 5 to 10 minutes.

  1. . Bend your knees, roll to one side, and press yourself up to a sitting

position. Turn around to face your bolster and come to your hands and knees. Prop your bolster up on the blocks and guide yourself into Supported Child’s Pose for 5 to 8 minutes to complete your practice.


Use the River Meditation outlined herein Chapter 8 during Basic Relaxation Pose and enhance the sensations of ease and fluidity in your spine.


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