Water Aerobics Exercise Routines

Water Aerobics Exercise Routines


We live in a universe in which all is mirrored in everything, and all is contained in everything. A single cell of the human body contains all the information about the whole of the body; and in turn the human body contains all the information about our planet, our solar system and, most likely, the entire universe. This holistic philosophy of life was already described more than 2,000 years ago in the words of the Chinese sage Lao-tzu: “One can know the whole world without having ever stepped out of one’s door.”

Another very beautiful metaphor about water can be found in the I Ching (The blog of Changes), in which water represents one of the eight primal energies. It’s described as always flowing and filling out all places and hollows. It’s not afraid of any current or waterfall and yet it always stays faithful to its original flowing character. In the Chinese tradition of the five elements water, wood, fire, earth, and metal each element is related to a specific organ, sense organ, and mental and emotional qualities, as well as colors and healing sounds.

The element of water corresponds in this case to the color blue; the kidney and bladder; and the ear, with its sense of hearing.

Water responding to the color blue.

Water Aerobics Exercise Routines Photo Gallery


At this point it’s worth mentioning Masaru Emoto’s water crystals and the vital role that water plays in our body. As the water crystals showed different reactions according to their exposure to sound, so our body, too, reacts directly to sound.

Music and sound therapy, which has become more and more popular in the past few years, uses this power purposefully and with positive results. Often the music comes from the traditional instruments of indigenous people or ancient cultures. Personally, I find that the most fascinating musical instruments in this context are the Tibetan sound bowls that originate in the Himalayas. These bowls are traditionally made of seven different metals, each vibrating at a different frequency.1 Long ago, these metals were each assigned to a corresponding celestial body in the solar system:

Before being worked according to a formula that has been kept as secret as a precious recipe, each metal is placed for three days under the light of a full moon in order to absorb its energy.

The origin of the Tibetan sound bowls is lost in the mists of time, but they could date as far back as 7,000 years. It’s believed that the Buddha used sound bowls some 2,600 years ago to accompany his meditation practice. Nowadays, they’re still being played in Himalayan monasteries and in many parts of Asia to calm and clear the mind and focus thoughts and feelings during meditation, and also as an accompaniment during religious ceremonies. In the Western culture of the 20th and 21st centuries, they’ve found a place not just in music and sound therapy, but also in healing practices such as sound massage, sound journeys, and sound baths.

Playing the Tibetan sound bowls is quite easy. They produce a multilayered sound that’s rich in overtones. Out of the interaction of many sound bowls, a range of attractive “soundscapes” comes into being, which harmonizes mind, body, and soul and opens up the heart. Experience has also shown that the bowls can balance the brain hemispheres and cleanse and revitalize the body’s energy at the cellular level.

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