What is Ahimsa and How to Practice It in Everyday Life

Brainwaves we experience as adults:

Beta: In the morning and generally throughout the day we experience the Beta state. We can pay attention, be productive, learn languages, and succeed in this state.

Alpha: This state is the desired state to be in when we’re trying to relax. Just by closing our eyes, the outer world starts to diminish, and the energy starts flowing inward. We are becoming aware of our heartbeat, breathing, and different bodily sensations. In this state, the mind is a light meditative state and relaxation begins.

Theta: The state is experienced between the state of sleep and being awake. It’s a lucid dreaming state. You may recall being in this state while taking a nap in the afternoon. You may also recall some very vivid dreams after your nap.

Delta: This state represents a deep sleep state; a place of total rejuvenation and healing.

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Our brain’s ability to transition through various brainwave frequencies plays a large role in how we experience the Drunken Monkeys. When we move into slower brainwave states, the Drunken Monkeys become a little bit less annoying and more peaceful as we reach the subconscious mind or Delta state. This should easily happen when the mind is in balance. If we wish to relax and read a good blog, we should be able to do it with full immersion in the task. When we want to sleep, we should be able to fall asleep without trying to forcefully slow our minds from racing zillion miles per hour or forcing the mind to let go of a thought that we’re clinging to. Not being able to relax and let go of the higher frequency states leads to high levels of stress, both physically and mentally. This leads to chronically fatigued, anxious, depressed, powerless, and disease-filled bodies and minds.

Once, long ago, a man received a wonderful present from a master: a magical monkey that could do anything the man asked of it. Well, of course, he was thrilled! He took the monkey along with him and asked it to do all sorts of useful things. In no time at all, it would finish each task and come running back for the next order. The man had him build him a palatial house. In no time at all, the monkey had finished it. Now our friend was really thrilled. What’s not to like?

The man went to bed for the night and found out. The monkey kept pestering him, “NOW what do you want me to do? What next?” The man could never rest, ever! Day and night the monkey hounded him with requests for more work, which it finished in no time. Then it was back for more. At his wits’ end, the man went back to the master. “Help! You’ve got to give me a way to deal with this monkey so that it doesn’t keep on bothering me day and night! What can you do?”

The master gave him one curly hair. He intoned, “Have the monkey make the hair go straight.” The master demonstrated pulling the hair straight. As soon as he let go, the hair bounced back to its former shape. That was it. The man took the hair and gave it to the monkey, ordering it to make the hair straight. The monkey sat down, fully focused on the little hair. He pulled it straight. It bounced back. He pulled it again. It bounced back again. So, it went for about a minute. The man raced to his bed and gratefully passed out. – Lama Tsomo, Yoga Digest

If we spend extended periods of time in higher frequencies – and I’m not talking about a couple of hours – we start experiencing dramatic changes mentally. Our perceptions, behaviors, and attitudes change as we experience the fight-or-flight response. The mind is continually screening our environment for threats. We often feel challenged by anyone and consider others as sources of competition. We experience anger, fear, frustration, resentment, and pain. Let’s be honest. In a state of emergency, and when fueled by negative feelings, nothing beautiful can happen.

“A negative mind will never give you a positive life. ”

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