Yoga definition

Or have a friend or teacher or physical therapist read the Yoga definition instructions out loud while you do the poses. You might also tape-record them With Yoga definition repetition you will remember the most important elements, and then you can review the instructions periodically to see if you have missed anything. Please be sure to read all the instructions for each pose before attempting it; do not skip over the preparations.

These details about placement and actions will greatly increase the effectiveness, safety, and enjoyment of your practice. Props In addition to the yoga mat, we suggest the use of props such as chairs, blocks, blankets, or straps. These can ease you into poses that would otherwise be dangerous or impossible. For example, a man with a colostomy may not be able to lie on his stomach directly, but with two or three folded blankets placed under the chest and under the pelvis, it would be easy. If your legs are tight and you are reaching for the floor, shortening your reach by use of a block is sensible.

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