Yoga essentials

Krishna’s yoga

We can see that what the Brahmin authors of the Gita are doing here is to link emerging popular monotheistic Krishna social movements with their own Vedic ritual world (Malinar 2009). Krishna is defined as the One behind everything. The cosmos – prakriti or brahman or what ever you name it – is only an unfolding of Krishna. Brahmin Vedic sacrifices, maintaining the order of cosmos, are linked into all this by claiming that they are fundamentally nothing but sacrifices to Krishna, as he is the ultimate power behind it all. Similarly human life and social duties are a result of Krishna unfolding himself through prakriti. As humans recognise this and fulfil their cosmically defined duties, they are actually living according to Krishna’s will. Leaving their own will aside humans turn their life into a sacrifice. This is where yoga enters again (in CH.3). This time it is called karma-yoga: the yoga of a disinterested person who with no further question carries out his ritual and social duties – his actions or karma, turning it into a sacrifice to Krishna. The benefit of a disinterested and detached life of sacrifice -karma-yoga – is release.

Following Malinar (2009) Krishna’s yoga in summary consists of several yoga forms. It contains a buddhi-yoga preparing the yogi for death and release. This happens through concentrated meditation where the buddhi – pure discriminative awareness – emerges as the effect of three gunas being neutralised. When the subsequent disinterested action is based on the buddhi aspect of the self no karma is generated. This is where the new karma-yoga sets in. It is however a radical rupture with all former karma discourse, when Krishna claims that disinterested action has no karmic effect. This is a change of definition of karma, allowing the problem to disappear (a strategy well-known to modern politicians, lawyers and accountants).

Draw in your belly and lengthen the tailbone back. Let Yoga essentials the thoracic spine soften downward without your arms collapsing. If your hamstring muscles allow, do Yoga essentials the pose with straight legs. If your hamstrings are tight, your knees can bend slightly to allow the pelvis to tilt properly. Find the degree of effort in extending yourself that feels good, using your breath. 1After several breaths, come back up as you inhale, and step toward the wall. Stage III: Table Dog Place your hands shoulder-width apart on a tabletop, with your index fingers pointing forward. Tighten the muscles of your arms and secure your arms into the shoulder joints as you gently lower your chest.

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