Yoga For Stress-Management Techniques

Yoga For Stress-Management Techniques

Many yoga experts suggest breathing rhythmically, in time with your own heartbeat. Relax and listen closely for the sensation of your heart beating, or monitor your pulse while you breathe. As you inhale, count to 4 or 8 in time with your heartbeat, then repeat the count as you exhale. Breathing in time with soothing music can work well, too.

Experts suggest inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Breathe slowly, deeply, and gently. To focus on breathing gently, imagine a candle burning a few inches in front of you. Try to exhale softly enough to make the candle’s flame flicker, not hard enough to blow it out.

Practice is important, too. Perform your chosen breathing exercise two or more times daily, for 5-10 minutes per session. ordinary challenges of life. Symptoms that may indicate a more serious problem include the following:

• Depression, anxiety, or other emotional problems begin to interfere seriously with school or work performance or in getting along with others.

• Suicide is attempted or is seriously considered.

• Symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, incoherent speech, or loss of memory occur.

• Alcohol or drugs are used to the extent that they impair normal functioning, finding or taking drugs occupies much of the week, or reducing the dosage leads to psychological or physical withdrawal symptoms.

Depression is of particular concern because severe depression is linked to suicide, one of the leading causes of death among college students. In some cases, depression, like severe stress, is a clear-cut reaction to a specific event, such as losing a loved one or failing in school or work. In other cases, no trigger event is obvious. Symptoms of depression include the following:

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• Negative self-concept

• Pervasive feelings of sadness and hopelessness depression A mood disorder characterized by loss TERMS of interest, sadness, hopelessness, loss of appetite, disturbed sleep, and other physical symptoms.

• Loss of pleasure in usual activities

• Poor appetite and weight loss

• Insomnia or disturbed sleep

• Restlessness or fatigue

• Thoughts of worthlessness and guilt

• Trouble concentrating or making decisions

• Thoughts of death or suicide

Not all of these symptoms are present in everyone who is depressed, but most experience a loss of interest or pleasure in their usual activities. Warning signs of suicide include expressing the wish to be dead, revealing contemplated suicide methods, increasing social withdrawal and isolation, and exhibiting a sudden, inexplicable lightening of mood (which can indicate the person has finally decided to commit suicide).

Ask Yourself


What percentage of your daily stress is time related? How effective are your time-management skills? Identify one thing you can start doing right now to manage your time better, and describe how you can apply it to one aspect of your daily routine.

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