Yoga Head to Knee Pose Yoga

The lulling music of the tam-boura and the call of the drums enveloped us as we took our seats in lotus position and began to sway to the beat.Yoga Head to Knee Pose Yoga We alternated verses with the men, who were seated across a walkway leading up to the guru’s seat. The separation of the sexes struck me as odd at first, but the effect of alternating tones was incredibly melodious. There were translations below each verse, which I tried to speed-read while at the same time trying to get the Sanskrit pronunciation and rhythm of the chant right, too. Yoga Head to Knee Pose Yoga Nearly an hour later when we were finished, we stood up to chant Om Namah Shivaya, which means, The divinity in me bows to honor the divinity in you. After a delicious breakfast of scrambled tofu, we started out on the road and headed back to Manhattan. I felt energized and exhausted at the same time, with so much to process and just sit with once I got home. A group of girlfriends and I returned a month later to attend a Satellite Intensive at the Shree Muktananda ashram.

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