Yoga poses at home

Thus, seen in this perspective we can see what the middle class women demanded was actually not yoga (in the meaning of meditation) but fitness. But not just any fitness. They were requiring a specific fitness regime congruent with their female bodies and mind-set: a female habitus (Wikipedia link). They did not like men strive after muscular- or high-performing bodies. Their demands were different.

Since all creation begins here, the womb and navel are Yoga poses at home sacred. They should be protected from any weight and left uncovered so that creative energy can Yoga poses at home circulate, unhindered. The northeast quadrant in Vastu also has a sacred dimension.

The healthiest rays of the sun, which come with the dawn and continue into the early morning, flow into this quadrant. The first light of day is calming and a source of rejuvenation. Yogis try to face this direction when they meditate. In Vastu, the northeast quadrant of every space, even if we don’t receive this light, should symbolically honor the restoring power of the early morning sun, which helps us turn inward. According to Kathleen, this quadrant is ideal for a zone of tranquility, which draws our attention to this therapeutic part of a room.

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