Yoga poses modifications

No matter where we chose, some people would still have Yoga poses modifications to travel, so if this was our reason for postponing, then we would have to Yoga poses modifications wait until it was safe for everyone. Of course, there is the possibility tfit such a time may never come. Some people in this country will never travel again. Others may never travel abroad, and some, like myself, who travel for a living, will have to overcome whatever natural fears they have.

Fortunately, time is a magnificent healer because it allows a perspective from a situation that only distance can provide; a chance to realize that there are reasons for every action. This is where non-attachment comes in. Seeing yourself as a part of an experience but not the experience itself, allows you to stay flexible and liberates you from outcomes you cannot control. When things larger than yourself happen in the universe, it is important to honor them and all of their reverberations.

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