Yoga poses silhouette

Pull down with your right arm as you extend your left Yoga poses silhouette arm up and over your torso this decompresses the rib cage. Come back to center, Yoga poses silhouette re-engage your abdominals, and repeat on the other side. Do 4 times. The palm on the ball should slide down with slight pressure to help keep your opposite hip down. This will allow you to feel your obliques work to keep your core stable and your spine upright. 6 Full Spinal Flexion Sitting tall on the ball, brace your hands on top of your thigh bones. Lengthen your spine from the top of your head. Lift your deep abdominal muscles with a soft scooping feeling and bend forward, rounding your spine over your thighs.

We discussed earlier how Trika cults as a part of the Hinduisation process domesticated the discourses and practices of these ascetic rural Kula- and Krama cults. We saw how Abhinavagupta and the Trikas turned those antinomian notions and practices into a salvation religion directed at the needs of an elite householder. This Trika discourse blossomed for 3400 years. Then under Muslim rule and the dominance of Vaishnavite Bhakti the production of new Tantric texts dried up in elite written discourse. The Trika discourse and milieu was coming to an end. Some scholars assume that hatha-yoga was a continuation of this dying Trika milieu as hatha-yoga emerged in this period.

However I do not believe that hatha-yoga directly evolved out of Trika’s elite monotheistic discourse, which lost its dynamic. The vigorous hatha-yoga discourse was mainly molded and nurtured by the rural Tantric habitus that I have described above. In other words the fundamental basic signs of the hatha-yoga discourse were configured and developed in rural Tantric strata and communities worshipping snakes and wild goddesses -like the Kulas and the Kramas. This Tantric milieu, with the arrival of Turkic Muslims, was now further enriched by the displaced urban elites fleeing the invaders. The incoming urban elites further fuelled and ignited the existing dynamic rural discourses and practices, which in turn led to the creation of the early hatha-yoga discourse.

However the Kulas, with their divine energies and fluids, represented only one branch of the genealogy of the early hatha-yoga discourse. There was a second one, to which we now turn; it evolved among the Siddhas.

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