Yoga roots

However, as we shall see, both the Sramanas and the Brahmins were socially and politically tightly intertwined with a third group – the Kshatriyas. Without involving this group of warrior nobles, who were rich in political (military power) and economic capital, we do not get the full picture of conflict and hegemony fuelling the dynamic of yoga. This will be the theme of coming chapters.

I will now briefly sketch the first mentioned two main groups based on the account of a foreign visitor – Megasthenes – to the Mauryan Empire, the state that finalised this period of transition.

Lumbar Spine One key factor in preventing strain in the lumbar Yoga roots spine is to maintain its natural degree of curvature. Too much excessive lordosis or too little Yoga roots flat lower back is a precondition for arthritis and poor movement patterns. In both Mr. Iyengar’s and Anusara Yoga, normal lordosis is maintained by balancing two actions: moving the top of the thighs back, which arches the lumbar spine, and pulling the tailbone down, which flattens the lumbar spine. We recommend that you determine the characteristic curvature of your spine in the spectrum from one extreme to the other. Do you tend to have a significant concave shape at the back of your waist, or do you tend to tuck your tailbone down and flatten your lower back? The best curvature is a happy medium between the two. Anusara Yoga sums this up in three principles: Inner Spiral, Pelvic Loop, and Kidney Loop see Appendix III. The Inner Spiral brings the thighs back and widens the pelvis, creating more lumbar arch.

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