Yoga of Sound Breath

Misusing one’s knowledge or wrongly guiding another vulnerable soul under spiritual pretenses is a heinous act that will surely have reciprocally fitting karmic implications.Yoga of Sound Breath For a bhakti yogi, the guru is indispensable, while he is often an obstacle for a jnana yogi. Therefore, we must heed what we know and, in addition, seek guidance from another. You should be aware of these facts as you explore or enter into the new world of yoga.Yoga of Sound Breath Ego is a powerful condition, and counterproductive to yogic aspirations, which may still exist even in longtime practitioners. Beware of those who claim to know more than vou do. Again, trust your instincts and your experience above all else as you make your way through this world. Many of us teach what we most need to learn in life.

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