Beginner Pilates Exercises

Beginner Pilates Exercises


To measure the flexibility of your gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and calves, stand upright with your feet directly below your hips and bend forward with your toes curled up, your knees locked, and your back arched. Then, see how far your fingertips can reach:

Poor: You cannot reach your knees.

Fair: You can reach your knees.

Good: You can reach to mid-shin.

Very Good: You can reach the floor.

Excellent: You can place your palms flat on the floor.


The Jackknife

To measure the flexibility of your lumbar spine, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and calves, sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you and your toes curled up toward you. Bend forward to see how far your fingertips can reach:

Poor: You can place your hands directly over your knees.

Fair: You can touch your toes.

Good: You can rest your palms on the bottom of your feet.

Very Good: Your palms can touch the floor in front of your feet.

Excellent: Your elbows can reach your toes.

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