Box Yourself Fit Try These Boxing Exercises To Get A Dose Of Cardio And Strength Training All In One – No Bag Or Gloves Required

Reps: 10
Benefits: Works shoulders, arms back and core

Stand with your left foot forwards with your hands in a fist on either side of your chin. Throw a left jab by punching your left arm forward (A), then a right cross by punching your right arm forward and rotating your right hip into the punch and lifting your right heel off the floor (B), then repeat a left jab (C). o Bring your hands back to your chin, and bob and weave from left to right by lowering into a squat (D) as you circle your body from the back to the front (E), as if tracing a letter ‘U’ with your upper body.

SQUAT AND PUNCH Time: 60 secs

Benefits: Works shoulders, chest, arms, back, thighs and glutes.

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, with your hands fisted at your chest. ©Hinge back at the hips and bend your thighs as you lower your body into a squat position (A). OPush up through your heels to stand, then pivot your foot as you punch your right hand diagonally to the left (B). Squat, then pivot and punch your left hand to the right. Squat and repeat.

Box Yourself Fit Try These Boxing Exercises To Get A Dose Of Cardio And Strength Training All In One – No Bag Or Gloves Required Photo Gallery

BOXER PUSH-UP Time: 30 secs

Benefits: Works shoulders, chest, arms, back and core.

Start in a push-up position with your shoulders directly over your hands (A). Tighten your abs, glutes and thighs, and bend your arms as you lower your chest towards the floor (B). Push through your hands to return to the starting position. *Do this move on your knees if you need to.

BICYCLE CRUNCH Time: 30 secs

Benefits: Works core. O Lie on your back with your knees bent into your chest, fingertips by your ears (A). C Lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the ground then perform a bicycle crunch by twisting your right shoulder towards your left knee and extending your right leg out straight and parallel to (but not touching) the ground (B). O Repeat to the other side and keep alternating for 30 seconds.


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