Obstacles to Your Yoga Routine

It is easy to sabotage a daily yoga practice. Time constraints and not enough hours in the day can impede the best of intentions. If obstacles continue to block your practice, you might ask yourself if you really want to practice yoga at home. If you do, then make a list of some of the obstacles that prevent you from practicing. According to an ancient yoga text, the most common obstacles to a yoga practice are lack of interest, doubt, laziness, false knowledge, failure to concentrate, pain, despair or depression, unsteadiness of the body, sickness, and unsteadiness of respiration.

Of these obstacles, only four have to do with the physical body. The rest are psychological. Be realistic with what you can accomplish at home, and do just that. Sure, it’s nice to have an hour to practice yoga, but if you only have twenty minutes, then twenty minutes is better than nothing. It’s better to practice yoga a little every day, or three or four times a week, than to do a weekend warrior stint of yoga on Saturday.

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