Pilates Ring Exercises For Legs

Pilates Ring Exercises For Legs


Why is it so difficult for you to lose weight and keep it off? There are several possible reasons:

1. If you lose weight only by dieting (that is, without exercising), you will lose muscle, which will make you weaker. Eventually, you must eat to recover your strength, and then you will regain the weight you lost, if not more. However, the weight you regain will be fat, not muscle, which you can never rebuild without exercising.

2. If you lose weight only by strength training, your muscles will become sore and inflamed, which will exhaust you. Eventually, you must stop exercising to heal yourself, and then you will regain the weight again, with fat, not muscle.

3. If you lose weight by dieting and endurance training, you will reduce your muscle size and convert fast-twitch muscle to slow-twitch muscle, which will decrease your metabolic rate. Eventually, you will become weak and have to increase your food intake to recover your strength, and then you will regain the weight as fat. Worse yet, you will wear out your joints from the exercise and become inflexible, which may lead to chronic pain that forces you to stop exercising.

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4. If you lose weight by being anxious all the time, you never switch from the sympathetic nervous system, which burns lean body mass as energy, to the parasympathetic nervous system, which burns fat as energy. That will cause loss of muscle mass and a reduced metabolic rate. Furthermore, because your sleep will be restless, you will not recover your energy at night. Eventually, you will become exhausted, stop exercising and dieting, and regain the weight as fat. That can lead to chronic fatigue.

5. If you lose weight by chemical means such as diet pills, herbs, teas, or shakes, which artificially stimulate your metabolic rate or suppress your appetite the effects won’t last forever and in the long run, do more harm than good. Eventually you will have to discontinue using these chemicals to avoid undesirable side effects such as high blood pressure and heart attacks, and then you will regain the weight as fat.

6. If you lose weight by dehydrating your body such as in a spa with heat or body wraps, the loss of weight will only be temporary because the body will demand to be rehydrated, and then you will regain the weight as water.

7. If you lose weight by surgical means such as liposuction or stomach stapling without also changing your diet and lifestyle, you will eventually regain the weight as fat.

One of our clients, Jack, came to us to lose 25 pounds. After we tested his body, which weighed 173 pounds, we calculated that 116 pounds of that, or 67%, was lean mass, and 57 pounds, or 33%, was fat. According to the Ideal Body Weight chart of The Happy Body program (Table 2.1, page 35), which shows the healthy relationship between height and weight, Jack should, at 5’6″, have weighed 150 pounds, of which 135 pounds, or 90%, should have been muscle, and 15 pounds, or 10%,

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