SINGLE LEG SQUATS This is a great exercise that targets many muscle groups in one go. Here’s why you should include it in your workout

The single leg squat is a great way to tone and strengthen your legs, glutes, but is also an effective core exercises that improves your balance & flexibility. It works the muscles you use when you run, notably hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes and calves – what’s not to love? As it also improves your balance, it’s a must-do exercise for runners: when you run, you are effectively hopping from one leg to the other, so good balance will keep you stable and help to improve your running technique and efficiency.

SINGLE LEG SQUATS This is a great exercise that targets many muscle groups in one go. Here’s why you should include it in your workout Photo Gallery


● Stand on your right leg.

● Pull your core muscles tight.

● Bend your right knee as deep as you feel comfortable.

● Squeeze your bottom and lift back up to the standing position.

● Complete one set before changing over to the other side.  

SETS AND REPS: Aim for two to three sets of 12-15 repetitions on each leg. SAFETY TIP: Only squat as far as feels comfortable. As your balance improves, you can begin to squat deeper, but if you’ve never done this exercise before, build up to deeper squatting gradually.

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