What is your CVD risk assessment score?

What is your CVD risk assessment score?

According to Williams, five or more “true” statements suggest that you’re excessively hostile and should consider taking steps to mellow out.

What is your CVD risk assessment score? Are you surprised by your score? Are you satisfied with your CVD risk rating? If not, set a specific goal:

What is your hostility assessment score? Are you surprised by the result?

Are you satisfied with your hostility rating? If not, set a specific goal:

What should you do next? Enter the results of this lab in the Preprogram Assessment column in Appendix C. (1) If you’ve set a goal for the overall CVD risk assessment score, identify a risk area that you can change, such as smoking, exercise, or stress. Then list three steps or strategies for changing the risk area you’ve chosen.

What is your CVD risk assessment score? Photo Gallery

Risk area:

Strategies for change:

If you’ve set a goal for the hostility assessment score, begin by keeping a log of your hostile responses. Review the anger management strategies in Chapter 10 and select several that you will try to use to manage your angry responses. Strategies for anger management:

Next, begin to put your strategies into action. After several weeks of a program to reduce CVD risk or hostility, do this lab again and enter the results in the Postprogram Assessment column of Appendix C. How do the results compare?

Hostility quiz from Life Skills by Virginia Williams and Redford Williams. New York: Times Books. Reprinted by permission of the authors.

Explain what cancer is and how it spreads.

List and describe common cancers, their risk factors, signs and symptoms, treatments, and approaches to prevention.

Discuss some of the causes of cancer and how they can be avoided or minimized.

Describe how cancer can be detected, diagnosed, and treated.

List specific actions you can take to lower your risk of cancer.


1. Eating which of these foods may help prevent cancer?

a. chili peppers

b. broccoli

c. oranges

2. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men between ages 15 and 35. True or false?

3. The use of condoms during sexual intercourse may prevent cancer in women. True or false?

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