Should I stop yoga exercising or start it?
Neither actually; just keep at what you are doing and, as usual, follow the thumb rule of exercise—listen to your body and take it easy when you need to. If you are a regular workout person (by regular I mean ten-fifteen years of consistent exercise), you will notice a big jump in your strength, flexibility and stamina levels. Workouts will be more fun than before. And since you are familiar with what you are doing, just keep up with your regular workout routine. So if you run, run; if you lift weights, lift weights; if you ski, ski. Your baby is lucky to be with you, and what better than to work out from the minute she is conceived.
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However, if you are the kind that only took to exercise recently as a means to lose weight or on a doctor’s advice and has more skipped sessions than done, well you need to take it easy. The first trimester is surely not the time to work out with a vengeance. If you were doing a day or two of exercise per week, just keep at it and reduce your intensity. This means, cut down on the speed and duration of your cardio exercises, reduce the numbers of sets, weights and reps on your weight-training exercises, and if you go to a group class, inform your teacher about your pregnancy. Cycling and swimming, the nonweight-bearing exercises, are better than walking, machines are better than free weights, and it’s important that exercise is stopped before exhaustion hits in. Stay well hydrated during your exercise and wrap up your session with a banana. It’s important to refuel immediately post exercise to help the body with its recovery processes.
And if you have never exercised, kya bolu, congratulations on the pregnancy and you can walk around as a means of activity, but don’t start with any new form of exercise in the first trimester.
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