Anticipating tension and relaxation

By now you will have started to learn the difference between tense and relaxed muscles and the proprioceptive impulses they generate. The final part of the first day’s work involves the mobilization or recognition of other proprioceptive sensations that occur during muscle tension. You have already experienced these in the ‘confused’ muscles and joints described in Exercise 1 above. Now you must learn to anticipate the feel of these in the active muscle groups of the thigh that have been the object of your previous exercise.

a. First concentrate on how you remember the tense feeling of your thigh muscles. When you have an inkling of what this is then lift the leg slightly and put the muscle into tension. Try to match the two feelings.

b. Then, while the leg is still ‘in tension’ and before you replace it into the ‘easy lie’ position, try to remember the (pleasant) relaxed position. Again, when you have some recall of this, unstress the leg. Savour the relaxation.

c. Repeat for the other leg.

Move on to Day Two when you are ready.

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