Arthritis Water Exercise

Arthritis Water Exercise


Dr. Shioya’s three correct states of mind are fundamental attitudes that are easy to adopt and can bring about an enormous change in our everyday life. Their meaning and use will become even more apparent in the light of our knowledge about the power of the word soul. Dr. Nobu Shioya: With the help of his simple method of “creative power of the thoughts and the right way of breathing,” it’s possible to rejuvenate the body and mind.

1. Be positive. It’s proven that positive thoughts influence our physical health. For example, they can strengthen the immune system. This state of mind isn’t an instruction to lead a “better” life (in a religious or moral sense), but a powerful aid to maintaining good health in both body and mind. By having a positive attitude and being open to all situations, we’re prepared to recognize opportunities and take them. This has nothing to do with superficial politeness or trite “seeing life through rose-tinted glasses” quite the opposite, actually. Instead of focusing just on the negative, we look at both sides of the proverbial coin. By doing so, we learn to recognize the possibilities available to us.

2. Don’t forget to say thank you. Gratitude can be a core feeling, and it’s important to always remind ourselves of it. Awareness generates energy. If we’re consciously grateful, we send out corresponding vibrations and attract similar vibrations. This means that we’ll find ourselves in more and more situations where we have a good reason to give thanks. Anyone who lacks this basic attitude should turn their attention to things they can be grateful for, however small they are. Some people might claim that there’s absolutely nothing in their lives that falls into this category, but actually we can give thanks that we are alive every day.

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3. Don’t nag. If we find fault with everything instead of being grateful, these thoughts and feelings become vibrations that are sent out and in turn attract situations that will lead to more nagging. Thoughts such as I’m in trouble, I don’t like this, I can’t do it, This is hard, or This is laborious will attract difficult, unpleasant, hard, and laborious situations.

The water-crystal images show us the effect on water of, for example, the word fool or a phrase like “We have done this really well.” The same vibration is created when we say to somebody, “You are a fool.” This isn’t just a statement per se; by uttering the words we create, or rather reinforce, the negative vibration, and thus the very pattern of behavior. These disharmonic patterns of vibration are “stamped” on water in general and on the bodily waters of the person in question.

This is the effect of the word fool. Water can’t form a crystal structure if words are hurtful and belittling.

The main reason why I always argue that we should praise our children (and friends and colleagues) is because we thereby reinforce their positive qualities. I’m certain that we’d all benefit from this kind of consciousness in speech and thought, especially as words and thoughts that are aimed at somebody else always have an impact on us first. If I were to give out the word fool into the world, my own system would be filled with this vibration first and would come into step with its disharmonic content.

The time-honored principle “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” acquires a completely new meaning in the light of the theory of the morphogenetic field. Even the most selfcentered person has the ability to speak, act, and think considerately and should do so, because it should be clear by now that we are responsible for what happens to us.

Another mental habit that hinders self-development is the practice of running ourselves down, both verbally and internally. Every one of us has the ability (and perhaps I should also say the duty to ourselves) to speak and act in such a way that nurtures, rather than poisons, our microcosm I’m always saddened by the realization that so many people invest so much of their inner energy running themselves down both verbally and internally, just because something didn’t happen in the way that they’d hoped. By doing this we don’t create the flow of positive energy that can help us learn from our mistakes. If we look at water crystals, the message is clear: We poison ourselves with all this negative chatter.

The time is now ripe to put this realization into practice and break the habit of a lifetime. It’s not my intention to preach here: Water itself speaks a distinct and clear language. Life isn’t really that complicated, and we all carry that knowledge inside ourselves; we just have to rediscover it. The pictures of the water crystals can help us in the search for our own truth. They can guide us.

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