Best Yoga Poses for Anxiety

Brand New Day

A short, gentle, and energizing morning sequence 35 to 50 minutes

Spine Lengthening Pose

Simple Supported Side Bend

Grounding Spinal Twist

Supported Child’s Pose

Reclining Butterfly

Seated Meditation Pose


  • Square eighth-fold blanket
  • Long eighth-fold blanket
  • Bolster (or 2 rolled blankets or a large pillow)
  • 2 blocks (or large hardcover books)
  • Blanket roll


  • Spine Lengthening Pose
  • Simple Supported Side Bend
  • Grounding Spinal Twist
  • Supported Child’s Pose
  • Reclining Butterfly
  • Seated Meditation Pose


  • Avoid any extreme movements with your spine early in the morning as your spinal discs are at their fullest after lying down overnight for sleep, which makes your back stiffer than it is later in the day.


  • Gently stimulates your body and mind to flush out the heaviness of sleep.
  • Prepares your body and mind for seated meditation.
  • Energizes you for the day ahead.


  1. . Begin with up to 10 minutes in Spine Lengthening Pose , then bend your knees and roll to your side.
  1. . Press yourself up to a sitting position, then move your legs off the bolster to the left so you are sitting on your right hip with your right thigh running along the edge of the bolster and your feet tucked in behind you. Guide yourself into Simple Supported Side Bend for 3 to 5 minutes.
  1. . Leave your props where they are and turn your body around to repeat the pose on the other side. After you’ve completed both sides, press yourself up to a sitting position and turn the bolster so it’s lengthwise with the narrow end touching your left hip. Guide yourself into Grounding Spinal Twist for 3 to 5 minutes.
  1. . Leave your props where they are and turn your body around to change sides. After you’ve completed both sides, press yourself up to hands and knees.
  1. . Prop the bolster up on the blocks and take 5 to 8 minutes in Supported Child’s Pose .
  1. . Press up to hands and knees and move the bolster out of your way.

Come to your seat and use the blanket roll to support your legs in a butterfly position. Place the long eighth-fold blanket behind you and lie back for 5 to 8 minutes in Reclining Butterfly .

  1. . Draw your knees together and roll to your side, then press yourself up and sit on your bolster to complete your practice with 3 to 5 minutes in

Seated Meditation Pose.


In Seated Meditation Pose, take 8 to 10 rounds ofSun Breathas described in Chapter 8.

Fly Me to the Moon

A tranquil evening sequence to aid sleep • 55 to 75 minutes

Spine Lengthening Pose

Reclining Pigeon

Grounding Spinal Twist

Supported Child’s Pose

Legs Up the Chair

Basic Relaxation Pose


  • Bolster (or 2 rolled blankets or a large pillow)
  • Blanket roll
  • Square eighth-fold blanket (or neck pillow)
  • 2 blocks (or large hardcover books)
  • Chair


  • Spine Lengthening Pose
  • Reclining Pigeon
  • Grounding Spinal Twist
  • Supported Child’s Pose
  • Legs Up the Chair
  • Basic Relaxation Pose


  • Gently stretches your spine to relieve pressure built up during the day.
  • Can alleviate swollen feet and tired legs after standing and walking during the day.
  • Calms your mind and relaxes your body.
  • Relieves insomnia and supports deep, restful sleep.


  1. . Begin with up to 10 minutes in Spine Lengthening Pose .
  2. . Bend your knees and roll to one side. Press yourself up to a sitting position and move the blanket roll from behind you.
  1. . Cross your right ankle over your left knee, support your right knee with a blanket, and lie back for 3 to 5 minutes in Reclining Pigeon . Repeat on the opposite side.
  1. . After you’ve completed both sides, bend your knees, roll onto your side, and press yourself up to a sitting position on your right hip, with your feet tucked in behind you. Turn the bolster so it’s lengthwise with the narrow end touching your right hip. Guide yourself into Grounding Spinal Twist for 3 to 5 minutes.
  1. . Leave the props as they are and turn your body around to stretch the other side.
  1. . After you’ve completed both sides, press yourself up and leave the bolster as it is. Make your way onto your hands and knees and prop the bolster up on the blocks for 5 to 8 minutes in Supported Child’s Pose .
  1. . Press up to hands and knees and move the bolster out of your way. Come to a sitting position near the chair and guide yourself into Legs Up the Chair ; remain there for 5 to 10 minutes.
  1. . Complete your practice by rolling to one side and setting up for 20 to 30 minutes in Basic Relaxation Pose .


Before or after your practice, take 8 to 10 rounds ofMoon Breathas outlined in Chapter 8 to soothe your nervous system and prepare for sleep.

Smooth Cycle

A sequence for menstrual pain and discomfort • 60 to 80 minutes

Side Lying Pose

Restorative Tree

Pregnant Goddess Pose

Supported Child’s Pose

Basic Relaxation Pose


  • Bolster (or 2 rolled blankets or a large pillow)
  • Quarter-fold blanket
  • 2 square eighth-fold blankets
  • Blanket roll
  • 2 blocks (or large hardcover books)


  • Side Lying Pose
  • Restorative Tree
  • Pregnant Goddess Pose
  • Supported Child’s Pose
  • Basic Relaxation Pose


  • If Supported Child’s Pose hurts your knees, substituteSeated Butterfly .


  • Eases pain and discomfort before and during your menstrual cycle.
  • Elicits much needed rest during menstruation.


  1. . Begin with 5 to 10 minutes per side in Side Lying Pose .
  2. . After you’ve completed both sides, press yourself up to a sitting position and move the bolster aside. Lie back and guide yourself into Restorative Tree for 5 minutes per side.
  1. . After you’ve completed both sides, bend your knees, roll onto one side, and press yourself up to a sitting position. Stack the bolster on the L- shape positioned blocks. Turn yourself around so the narrow end is touching the base of your spine, use the blanket roll to support your legs in a butterfly position and lie back onto the bolster for 8 to 12 minutes in Pregnant Goddess Pose .
  1. . Draw your knees together and roll to one side. Press yourself up to a sitting position, then turn to face your bolster, coming onto hands and knees. Ensure the blocks under the bolster are now the same height and guide yourself into Supported Child’s Pose for 5 to 8 minutes.
  1. . Press yourself up to hands and knees, remove the blocks and turn the bolster so it’s horizontal across your mat. Come into a sitting position with your legs over the bolster and lie back to complete your practice with 20 to 30 minutes in Basic Relaxation Pose .


In Basic Relaxation Pose, practice theOcean Meditationas outlined in Chapter 8 and imagine your breath washing away any pain or discomfort.

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