What can people learn from the Power of Soul Workshops?

More and more people are learning and experiencing the power of soul. A new era for humanity and Mother Earth began on August 8, 2003. This era is named the Soul Light Era. It will last

15,000 years. We have moved from the era of the mind, or mind over matter, to the era of the soul, or soul over matter. The soul is the boss. Learning the power of soul can transform all life. All life includes healing, preventing sickness, rejuvenating the soul, heart, mind, and body, prolonging life, transforming relationships and finances, blessing children and family, increasing intelligence and creativity, advancing on the spiritual journey, and bringing success to every aspect of life.

What can people learn from the Power of Soul Workshops? Photo Gallery

What are Divine Healing Hands and how can Divine Healing Hands transform one’s life?

Divine Healing Hands are the Divine’s soul healing hands to help humanity, animals, nature, and more during Mother Earth’s transition. 1 am honoured to be a chosen servant, vehicle, and channel of the Divine to transmit Divine Healing Hands, to chosen ones. We apply the Four Power Techniques® with Divine Healing Hands which includes Body Power – using special hand and body positions for healing, rejuvenation, longevity and life transformation; Sound Power- chanting sacred healing mantras or special vibratory sounds. Mind Power – applying creative visualisation; and Soul Power – invoking the Divine, Tao, Heaven, Mother Earth and countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes, as well as all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers on Mother Earth and in all layers of Heaven, to request their help for healing, rejuvenation and transformation.

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