EASY Yoga Exercise with Props to Cool BODY and MIND

Namaskar and David odde and welcome to Anand / yoga with props yoga props includes any object which will help you to stretch the balance to increase the maintaining capacity and to improve the overall awesome yoga props include chairs bricks blankets mats wall support table support and many more you can form your own course from the set of the arsons that I’m showing you show Asin a wonderful relaxing technique to go in this arson you’re using the bolster. And the blanket now keeping the bolster touching your back the legs are in front slowly start lying down on the bolster the blanket acts as a support for your head just relax the her hands and drop loose the legs, if you feel that your head is still not comfortable you can make the thicker thing increase the height.

EASY Yoga Exercise with Props to Cool BODY and MIND Photo Gallery

And then keep the head on it whatever makes you feel comfortable way to do in that way close your eyes. And just practice a wonderful relaxing technique of relaxing the legs the hands the back the abdominal chest the neck the face. And the head you take your own time off for relaxing you observe the body part feel it. And then let it relax one by one with the legs and one by one put the hands in the back we have dominant the chest the face the head. And the neck we relax your body in such a manner the systems in your body get recharged re-energized and start functioning wonderfully as recommended for people who are having high stress level insomnia migraine a lot of other problems in fact for everyone it just relaxes your body and by relaxing the body the whole system gets big energized when you’re doing the traditional show us. And you’re lying down on the back on the floor.

But with the props it also helps you to expand the chest so people who suffer from hasta ma can go for this type of shav Asana rather going for the traditional one then when you feel like coming out you open your eyes very slowly bring them the hands closer legs closer now we turn on your right side just come on the ground use the right hand as a pillow be there for some time then taking the support of the left hand slowly sit up blend up the bombs keep them on your eyes. And your face.

And then come out and feel the difference in your body. And the mind, if you want then keep your eyes closed then you sit up and after bombing the eyes you can open your eyes let’s try this out and feel the difference you.

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