Intermediate yoga poses for weight loss

Modification: You may find you need to move your feet Intermediate yoga poses for weight loss to the edges of the mat, giving you a wider stance, making it easier to Intermediate yoga poses for weight loss balance. You also need to keep your back leg straight in this posture, so if you are finding this difficult, come out of your lunge a bit. A deeper lunge can make it harder to keep your back leg straight. Warrior II: Virbhadrasana II For this posture you will enter the same lunge as warrior I, except this time your hips will face the side of the mat instead of forward.

The back leg will still be straight, and the front leg will still be bent at about 90 degrees with the knee staying over the toe. Keeping your chest open and your back straight, you will extend your arms out to the sides, keeping one over the front leg and one reaching along the back leg. The top part of your body should look like a T’. Strengthening and stretching various parts of your lower body makes this a beneficial posture.


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