Power Yoga for Back Techniques

Namaskar I’m baby that and welcome to Anand over power you go for back Power Yoga is a complete body workout which focuses on strength stamina flexibility and total body fitness power yoga for back will not only help you to strengthen the back muscles.

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But will also make them flicks with power yoga back technique 3 you start with the number scar position first position of sui Namaskar then take the Namaskar up and back and have a good backward Bend then come to the hip hinge position stretch forward to tabletop and down enjoy the stretch for the back. And the legs take one leg back the lunge pose both the legs back. And come to the downward facing dog pose and from your story resting the knee lie down on your abdominal now take one hand in front now it is raised the hand is in front at the same time the opposite leg and maintain their to take it up and maintain and after maintaining for 23 seconds then you start take pulsing water by taking the hands still upward you’re not touching the hands. And the leg on the ground we are taking the hand upward the leg upward from the starting position with about four or five times. And then you drop the hand. And the leg down change the leg. And the hand flows take it up hold for 23 seconds.

And then start the movement what and relax. And come to the downward facing dog pose slowly then bring one leg forward to lunge pose both the legs forward the tabletop pose hip hinge come up and have a good backward Bend and relax you can combine this technique with power yoga back technique to where you do the technique to forced and immediately follow it with technique three you.

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