Yoga to Reduce Pain During Pregnancy

A mascot I am livid at welcome to a new yoga yoga for pregnancy this set of arsons and pranayams will help you to relax your body and calm down your mind which is very important during your pregnancy this practices will make your muscles flexible and toned then. And also will help you to reduce the labor pain the best part of you guys you need not go anywhere you can just do it at your home throughout your pregnancy soup the. But the kon Asana a wonderful practice during the pregnancy period to go in this practice you’re lying down on your back now slowly bend both the legs.

Yoga to Reduce Pain During Pregnancy Photo Gallery

And then drop the knees on the side keeping the soles touching each other you’re using the brick as a support, if you don’t have a yoga break you can use the pillows at your home as a support close your eyes. And just enjoy this wonderful poster it will help you to reduce the pain during the pregnancy it will help you to reduce the labor pain keep breathing allow the abdomen to relax there is such a posture that you can maintain in this pose as long as you want, if you’re comfortable. And the comfort comes from the support of the brick. So you can have more bricks or more pillows. So the legs are slightly up. So you don’t feel the pain in your hips or in your groin you feel like coming out open your eyes bring the knees closer and release the legs just drop the legs down and feel the effect of this practice on your body this practice can be done once or more than once like twice or thrice throughout the day with regular interval you.

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